Yumiba Sisters
We are the violinist (Takako and Yumiko) sisters who love music. Takako started playing the violin and piano when she was 3 years old. Then, Yumiko was influenced by her music. We started playing together and our first concert was when Takako was 7 and Yumiko was 5. We performed at the wedding of our father's friend. People were satisfied and enjoyed our performance. That was the beginning of our journey as violinists in Japan.
We studied music in Germany since the autumn of 2018. We were the scholar students of "Live Music Now". It's an incorporated association founded by Yehudi Menuhin, a great violinist who devoted himself to social contribution.
Through this association, we visited hospitals and nursing homes to perform as a sister violin duo. These were the opportunities for those who cannot come to the concerts to hear them live. These activities gave us a chance to meet different kinds of people. These valuable experiences served as our inspiration to think about what kind of activities we would like to do in the future.
However, soon after the activity began, a pandemic struck the world. Germany was one of the countries severely affected by it. The lockdown was implemented for more than half a year. People had to stay home, and many concerts were cancelled. We thought about what kind of things we can do as violinists, and we started filming our music. Our concert video shared to more than 50 institutions through "Live Music Now" in April 2020.
In our activities as a violin duo, we have arranged various masterpieces for two violins, regardless of genre, and have performed them in our concerts. Since there were not many pieces for two violins, we began to compose our own music as well.
One of the greatest German composers Felix Mendelssohn once said, "Music fills one’s heart with a thousand things finer than any language."
We hope that through our violins it will give colors to the air of the moment. We are glad that you will enjoy our music.
Takako Yumiba
Yumiko Yumiba
私たちは東京藝術大学卒業後、クラシック音楽の本場で学びたいとの思いから、2018年秋よりドイツに留学して音楽を学びました。2020年には、社会貢献に尽力した偉大なヴァイオリニスト、ユーディ・メニューインが創設したLive Music Now社団法人の奨学生となったことをきっかけに、姉妹でヴァイオリンデュオとして病院や介護施設などを訪れ、演奏活動を始めました。その活動を通じて、私たちは様々な方と出会い、それ以前の音楽活動では出会えなかったような、コンサートに足を運べない方々にも音楽を聴いていただく機会が増えていきました。
その後まもなく、Covid-19が世界中で猛威を振るい、コンサートが次々と中止になってしまい、コロナ渦において音楽家に出来ることはほとんどありませんでした。その中でも何か私たちに出来ることはないかと考え、Live Music Now社団法人を通じて50以上の福祉施設に私たちのコンサートビデオを送ったところ、施設の方からは、「困難な日々の中に明るさと希望をもたらした」というお言葉をいただきました。
弓場 多香子
弓塲 友美子